Aus Verbundenheit zur Natur bemühen uns, unseren CO2-Footprint so gering wie möglich halten



To show the necessary respect for nature and our homeland, we want to make your stay and the operation of our hotel as eco-friendly as possible. That’s why our cottages were carefully integrated into the rural surroundings and wood was used as a renewable resource for the construction.
During the restoration of our historic villa, the use of natural insulation materials, such as wood fiber, turned an old building into a low-energy house.

For us, sustainability does not necessarily mean to forgo comfort. The use of wood is not only good for our environment, it also creates an excellent room climate and a cozy living atmosphere.

And with the help of the climate protection project Plant For The Planet we will make your stay climate-neutral.

  • 3 charging stations for electric vehicles and 6 e-bike charging points on the hotel property
  • supply of our cottages and e-charging stations mostly by the in-house photovoltaic system
  • natural cosmetics by Saint Charles
  • chemical-free and eco-friendly room cleaning with the help of the innovative micro dry steam device
  • COCO-MAT beds, bed linen and towels made from 100 % sustainable natural materials
  • compostable coffee-pads from the regional coffee roasters 'Romanicum'
  • to reduce paper consumption we provide our guest information in digital form
  • we cooperate with local craftsmen and use only high-quality materials with a long lifetime
  • with the use and up-cycling of antique and exclusive furniture pieces which have been collected over the years we try to minimize our impact on the environment

Our motto regarding sustainability: step by step. Thats why other things such as the rental of our own bicycles and much more are already planned.